Home Energy Ratings and Assessment Services
Partnering with you to deliver solutions maximising long term savings and greater comfort in your new project or current home

About Us

We are a leading Canberra-based residential energy consulting firm specialising in energy efficiency certification and consulting services. Nationally accredited, we can provide NatHERS, Scorecard, and BASIX certificates, ACT rental property ceiling insulation compliance, and customised reports based on your specific requirements.
To ensure your property meets the minimum energy efficiency standards for rental properties in the ACT, we can issue landlords with certificates of compliance.
ACT Rental Property Ceiling Insulation Reports
Residential Efficiency Scorecard Assessments
For existing homes, we provide Scorecard assessments that rate your home's energy usage, thermal comfort, and recommended improvements. Whether you want to save on your energy bills, are looking into going all-electric or seek greater comfort in your home, a Scorecard certificate will show you how your home performs now and help you make the right choices to achieve your aims.

If you are building a new home or undertaking significant renovations, you will likely need to meet the minimum state or territory building energy efficiency requirements as set out in the National Construction Code (NCC). Whether you are a designer, architect, or builder, we can provide NatHERS home energy ratings to comply with the NCC and advise you on cost-effective options to save you money while improving the thermal comfort of your project.